5 Ways to Stay on Track with Your Workout and Diet

[Guest blog post]

Getting back into your health and fitness routine isn’t an easy thing to do.

It takes motivation, commitment, and courage to step back out there and start working toward your fitness goals.

Whether it’s been a week, month, or years since you last worked out, there are plenty of resources and tips to help you set that reset button.

In this post, we’ll be sharing 5 things that’ll help you stay on track with both your workout and diet plan. 


1. Get the right gear

Having good-quality workout wear is more than just looking great at the gym, although that is a marvelous motivation tactic.

Finding the right gear for your workout routine, intensity, body type, and preferred activities can also help to prevent injuries that could get in between you and your wellness goals.

A fitted set of training shoes, for example, can help runners to avoid shin splints, knee pain, ankle aches, and other running-related issues. If you’re more into strength-building than cardio, a weightlifting belt is a must-have to prevent back injuries and knee discomfort.

Plus, as we mentioned, there’s nothing like a new gym look to inspire you to get out and get after your training goals!

2. Make it easy on yourself

No, we don’t mean you should cut down on your reps or give yourself an extra cheat day. Nice try!

Making working out and dieting easy on yourself is all about adopting habits that make meeting your goals simple.

Setting out your gym clothes before bed is the perfect example.

Say the only time you can squeeze a workout in is between 6 and 7am. While it’s probably really hard to drive yourself to get up that early, it would be a lot easier if you prepped yourself the night before!

Pack up your gym bag ahead of time so there’s no excuse not to roll out of bed and get after it.

As for maintaining your healthy diet, there are so many alternatives to meal-prepping if that’s not your thing.

  • If you don’t like the idea of eating the same meal all week, just set a loose menu for the week instead! Pick out some versatile ingredients like chicken and standard veggies, and you’ll be surprised how many unique meals you can create.

  • Or maybe cooking isn’t your thing at all — stick to your diet and your comfort level with a healthy meal kit delivery service.

  • And if grocery shopping totally stresses you out, look into your local CSA box options. Many regional farmers sell boxes of fresh produce that can be picked up at a nearby location or dropped off at your house. Plus, it’s an exciting way to work with new fruits and veggies.


3. Find a fitness friend

Sticking to your health and diet goals definitely depends on your own accountability, which is hard for most of us.

To make it a bit more manageable and way more fun, try to find yourself a fitness friend! This way, the two of you will at least feel socially obligated to meet up for weekly or daily workouts.

And if you don’t have a fitness buddy nearby, no problem. You can use a fitness tracking app instead! This will allow you to virtually monitor your own goals and enable you to connect with friends and even competitors online.

4. Track your progress

Noticeable progress really is one of the best ways to motivate yourself to keep pursuing your fitness goals.

Whether you take progress pics, set physical challenge goals, like running a half-marathon, or measure your muscles, it’s important to recognize your own growth.

5. Have fun with it

Last, but certainly not least, have fun! Working out should be something that makes you feel good, not something that you dread each day. To amp up the fun factor, try out these tips:

  • Watch your favorite show on the treadmill

  • Create an inspiring workout playlist

  • Try new activities like Zumba, Barre, or climbing to mix up your regular routine

  • Have friends over and show off your healthy cooking skills

Getting back on the bandwagon is never an easy thing to do, but with these tips you’ll be living your best life in no time!