It's summer.  And I'm in Texas.  It is HOT.  My weakness is ice cream and anything related to it, and once in a while I'll indulge in the "real thing" if it's an extra-special occasion (anyone see my post on National Ice Cream Day?).  

But this health journey of mine has revealed a strong sugar sensitivity and addiction, and while I think I have a pretty good handle on it at this point, the sensitivity is still there.  And I'm talking reaaaaaally there.  I get hot and sweaty and breathe heavily when I eat too much sugar at once, even from something "technically paleo," such as dried fruit.  

To combat this, I wanted to make a low-sugar, still-delicious popsicle recipe that wouldn't cause such a reaction in me and would be good for people following bulletproof and keto lifestyles as well.  These babies are the result, and I'd say they hit the spot!  They even turned out vegan... yay for pleasing everyone!

Blood Diamond Popsicles

Prep time: 10 minutes   Set time: 4+ hours   Total time: 4 hours, 10 minutes

Yield: 6 popsicles (may vary based on popsicle mold size)



1.  Pureè the raspberries in a Nutribullet or other blender.  You may need to add a little bit of water to get them to blend up.

2.  Pour the raspberry pureè evenly into popsicle molds.  Push it down to the bottom with a spoon to make sure there are no air bubbles.

3.  Blend together the coconut milk, water, vanilla, and sweetener* until an even consistency has been formed.

4.  Pour the coconut milk mixture over the raspberry layer evenly among each mold, and place the popsicle sticks on top.

5.  Place on an even surface in a freezer and allow to set for 4 hours.  Before serving, allow the popsicles to sit out of the freezer to melt a little to help with removal.  You can also run hot water on the outside of the molds if you just can't wait to tear into these babies!  Bet you can't eat just one!

1/2 cup fresh raspberries

1/2 can full-fat coconut milk

1/4 cup water

1 tsp vanilla extract

Stevia or other natural sweetener of choice, to taste*

*I only needed two packets of stevia for this entire recipe, and it turned out great.  The natural sugars in the raspberries and the sweetness of the vanilla extract already help to enhance toe sweetness in the coconut, so excess sugars are not required to make this a tasty treat!