Colla, Colla, Collagen!

retrieved from river oaks wellness center (12)

retrieved from river oaks wellness center (12)

Anyone catch the "Paradise" by Coldplay reference in the title?  Don't hate me.  I had to.  It was either this or another pun, so you're welcome that it wasn't worse. 

So you're really here to hear about what collagen has to offer, yes?  Or maybe somehow your Reddit rabbit hole pulled you this way?  Either way, I'm glad you're here.  Stay a while and learn something useful.

I recently wrote a review for Vital Proteins, but I felt like I couldn't really go into huge detail on why collagen is so important to add to your regular diet.  Beauty gurus have been talking about it for years to women who want thicker/shinier hair, better nails, and clearer skin.  But I think everyone should try using it to see what it can do for them, because the benefits of this stuff aren't just skin-deep.  

So what's in it for me?

Basically, a comprehensive list of things I've been able to find about collagen benefits is as follows:

  • Prevention of osteoarthritis (the most common form of arthritis)
  • Increased joint mobility
  • Reduced wrinkles & overall healthier skin
  • Increased hair thickness & strength
  • Prebiotic factors (your gut bacteria likes to munch on it!)

Uhm, yes please to ALL the things!!  If you're me and you want more info, here's some stuff to back me up on this.

Prevention of Osteoarthritis & Increased Joint Mobility

According to a study published by Bello & Oessner in 2006 (1), collagen supplementation has the potential to prevent the onset of osteoarthritis.  This form of arthritis is the most common type, and it's basically the kind that you get when the padding on your joints is worn out from use.  I hate to call it "aging arthritis," but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... :)

Anyway, collagen is the building block protein of the "padding" in your joints.  So it seems pretty straightforward to me that it would help you out by eating some to supply your body with extra for when you need it down the road!

Along the same vein (or joint?), Dr. Josh Axe (2) uses the analogy of a creaky door hinge needing oil.  Think of your tight joints and tendons as the hinge, and the collagen as the oil!  Improved body elasticity and decreased joint soreness have been noted in multiple studies on collagen benefits (3, 4).  

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retrieved from health & eating - food (10)

Reduced Wrinkles & Overall Healthier Skin

This was a big pull for me to start using collagen regularly.  Not so much the wrinkles (yet!) but I've always had acne issues.  Many a study has shown the benefits of reduced wrinkles with the use of collagen (5), but the connection of collagen to acne clearing is harder.  Studies are currently ongoing as to how exactly stress causes acne, though one article claims that the release of more oil from stress clogs your pores more readily, thus causing the nasty little buggers (6).

That being said, I dug around to see if the stress/leaky gut connection has anything to do with it, and it appears to do just that: stress can cause leaky gut, leaky gut can put you into a cycle of greater stress on the body (7), leaky gut can begin to be healed with collagen (1).  So I'm not crazy in observing fewer breakouts from stress and from food since supplementing with collagen!

Dante Horton Photography, used c/o anupi chandiramani (11)

Dante Horton Photography, used c/o anupi chandiramani (11)

Increased Hair Thickness & Strength (8)

Here's the beauty section of the article: does collagen really make hair more luxurious?  Well, according to a study by Wickett et. al. (8), it does.  This study showed a significant increase in both tensility (strength) and thickness in the hair of subjects who were given collagen for a period of time, versus those not given collagen.  

As for myself, I've always had thin hair but I've noticed a big decrease in breakage and I even stretch out my hairbands now.  I credit this to a combination of eating better since going paleo and the added collagen to my diet.

Prebiotic Factors (9)

And since I'm a big pusher for gut health, I need to let y'all know that collagen is great for improving those little bacteria living in there.  While a probiotic is something you injest that adds bacteria to your large intestine, a prebiotic is something that feeds the bacteria already there.  Most traditionally-recognized prebiotics are carbohydtate-based, usually starchy.  But some new studies have recently been published that prove collagen's benefit as a prebiotic in its own right - even though it's a protein (9).  For me, that just proved my method of mixing some collagen into full-fat organic yogurt once in a while even more justifiable.  Getting in those pro- AND prebiotics at once, ya feel?

So, what's the final word?

Based on this blossoming research and my own n=1 self experimentation with collagen, I think it's definitely worth trying to incorporate to your life for a few months to see what it can do for you.  When combined with healthy eating, exercise, and stress reduction, I think it could work wonders for you.  Keep in mind that this is one of those things, like other lifestyle changes, that takes a bit of time.  But if you grant it that, you could set yourself up to reap any or all of the benefits discussed here.  

If you'd like to purchase some top-of-the-line collagen, click here.


(1)  Bello, A. E., Oesser S.  (October 10, 2006).  Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature.  Taylor & Francis Online.  Retrieved from

(2)  Axe, J.  (2016).  What is collagen? 7 ways collagen can boost your health.  Dr. Axe.  Retrieved from

(3)  Bruyère, O. et. al.  (January 20, 2012).  Effect of collagen hydrolysate in articular pain: a 6-month randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study.  PubMed.  Retrieved from

(4)  Clark, K. L. et. al.  (April 15, 2008).  24-week study on the use of collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain.  PubMed.  Retrieved from

(5)  De Luca, C.  et. al.  (January 19, 2016).  Skin antiageing and systemic redox effects of supplementation with marine collagen peptides and plant-derived antioxidants: a single-blond case-control clinical study.  PubMed.  Retrieved from

(6)  Kam, K.  (2016).  Stress and acne.  WebMD.  Retrieved from

(7)  Kresser, C.  (March 23, 2012).  How stress wreaks havoc on your gut  - and what to do about it.  Chris Kresser.  Retrieved from

(8) Wickett, R. R. et. al.  (December 2007).  Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on hair tensile strength and morphology in women with fine hair.  Springer Link.  Retrieved from

(9) Sheveleva, S. A., Batishcheva S.  (n.d.).  Characteristics of collagen's material bifidogenic properties.  PubMed.  Retrieved from

(10)  n.a.  (2016).  Foods for healthy skin.  Health & Eating Food.  Retrieved from

(11) Horton, D.  (n.d.). Kickback ent.   Retrieved from f

(12) n.a.  (n.d.).  Welcome!  River Oaks Wellness Center.  Retrieved from

Benefits of Turmeric: How Turmeric Can Transform Your Health

Photo Courtesy of New Falkanz Home Remedies (5)

Photo Courtesy of New Falkanz Home Remedies (5)

Known as the ‘golden spice’ of Southeast Asia, the powerful health benefits of turmeric have recently captured the attention of health enthusiasts and the medical field worldwide.

This yellow ginger, popularly used in curry dishes, contains a healing chemical compound called curcumin. This compound is proven to have anti-inflammatory properties, contain very strong antioxidants, and even have anti-cancer qualities.

Proven Health and Beauty Benefits of Turmeric

Recent studies revealed that the health benefits of using turmeric are far more extensive than what was previously known. Aside from optimizing bodily functions and reversing diseases, turmeric can also improve your mental health and enhance the beauty of your hair and skin.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Inflammation is an important body reaction in order to fight off bacteria that could easily enter our bodies; however, chronic or long-term inflammation can work against your body and allow bacteria to enter your body’s tissues. The curcumin in turmeric is a very strong anti-inflammatory agent that targets inflammation at a molecular level.


Oxidative damage is one of the major causes of diseases and rapid aging. Curcumin is a potent antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals and helps stimulate your body’s own production of antioxidants

Brain Disease Prevention

The Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) is an important hormone in your brain that helps with creating new connections between neurons. A decreased level BDNF could lead to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Curcumin increases the levels of BDNF in the brain and helps fight brain degeneration.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease

Curcumin is found to help optimize the function of endothelium, the lining in the blood vessel that is important for regulation of blood pressure and normal blood clotting.

Cancer Prevention

There are many different types of cancer, but recent studies have shown that the majority of cancers react positively to the properties found in turmeric. Curcumin has been shown to help delay the spread of cancer, prevent tumor growth, and even kill some cancerous cells.

Hair and Skin Benefits


Turmeric has been used for many years in beauty recipes to help prevent hair loss, stop dandruff, and slow the growth of facial hair.


Turmeric can be included in many skin improvement recipes to help improve your skin’s elasticity, lighten pigmentation, control oily skin, cure acne, lighten stretch marks, and heal cracked and dry skin.

Photo Courtesy of Healthy Food House (4)

Photo Courtesy of Healthy Food House (4)

Health Benefits of Turmeric for Weight Loss

Consuming turmeric supplements alone is not a sure guarantee for weight loss. Turmeric supplements should be complemented with proper diet and exercise.

Turmeric, as we learned above, is effective at reducing inflammatory messaging in your body’s cells. This in turn can help improve:

  • Metabolism

  • Management of blood sugar levels

  • Control cholesterol levels

  • Insulin resistance

All of these factors are closely associated with obesity.

How to Take your Turmeric

In order for you to get the full health benefits of turmeric, health experts recommend taking it with black pepper. The combination enhances the body’s absorption of the curcumin in turmeric by 2,000 percent, as published in a 1998 PubMed article in the US National Library of Medicine.

You can buy your turmeric in its original ginger form, in powdered form, or in capsules as a supplement. You can take your turmeric by cooking a lot of curry dishes such as:

  • Chicken Curry

  • Lamb Tagine

  • Mediterranean stew

  • Curried Winter Soup

It can be included in almost any meat and vegetable dish, or you can simply sprinkle it in your fried rice and add fine ground pepper. Others prefer to take it as a supplement in capsule form, but be sure to ingest a few whole peppercorns together with it for maximum benefit.

Special Considerations when Consuming Turmeric during Pregnancy

The health benefits of turmeric are also available for pregnant women. Turmeric is generally safe to be consumed when used as a spice in food, and the mother can still gain its full health benefits.

However, doctors do not advise taking turmeric as a supplement during pregnancy. Excessive intake of turmeric can stimulate the fetus, leading to premature childbirth or miscarriage.

The Key Takeaway: Turmeric can be a Great & Healthy Addition to your Diet

As you have read above, turmeric can have a plethora of health benefits. I suggest you follow the guidelines here for consumption, and consult a doctor if you have special circumstances (i.e. you are pregnant).

If you want to check out new healthy additions that you can make to your daily life, be sure to sign up for the Rebounder Zone newsletter here!

About the Author

photo via rebounderzone.come

photo via rebounderzone.come

Leonard Parker is a health blogger and owner of the eCommerce store, Rebounder Zone.  Through Rebounder Zone, Leonard’s team specializes in rebounder trampolines, health equipment, and useful health information for mature adults.

Leonard is a graduate of Stanford University and has worked in various roles as a digital marketing specialist and technology consultant.  Rebounder Zone was started because  Leonard saw first hand how health living with regular exercise can change lives, and he wants to help others experience this incredible feeling, too.  For any questions about rebounding or information mentioned in this article, please contact Leonard at


1. Ying Xu, et. al. (2006, November 29) Curcumin reduces the effects of chronic stress in behavior, the HPA axis, BDNF expression and phosphorylation of CREB. Retreived from

2. Ravindran J., et. al. (2009 September) Curcumin and Cancer Cells: How Many Ways Can Curry Kill Tumor Cells Selectively? Retrieved from

3. Shoba G, et. al. (1998 May) Influence of piperine on the pharmacokinetics of curcumin in animals and human volunteers. Retrieved from

4. Turmeric - Spice With Amazing Health Benefits. (2013). Retrieved August 16, 2016, from

5. Home Remedies. (n.d.). Retrieved August 16, 2016, from

6. K., V. (2015, October 25). 8 Health Benefits of Turmeric. Retrieved August 16, 2016, from


Beat Jet Lag BEFORE it Beats You!

Retrieved from precision nutrition (4)

Retrieved from precision nutrition (4)

In planning for my trip to Florence for the summer (the term "planning" being used very loosely here) I knew one thing for sure: I did NOT want to deal with jet lag.  Even though my stay there was long enough for me to consider myself living there for a bit, I didn't want to miss even a few days of the excitement due to a whack sleep schedule.  Yes, I just said "whack."  It's hip.  Whack.

Luckily for me, I happened to see one of Ben Greenfield's talks at Paleo f(x) 2016 a week before I was supposed to leave.  If you aren't familiar with him, Greenfield is essentially the definition of a "biohacker".  This basically means he likes to find ways to enhance his health and athletic performance using the things available in this era, without disregarding evolution.  Self-proclaimed biohackers tend to have a few things in common, including: an interest in paleo or pseudo-paleo diets for optimal food intake, alternative workouts that promote fitness AND wellbeing, mental health practices like meditation, all-natural products for body care.  But they still tend to include breaking-edge technology to track their health statistics to see which variations of all of the above are really helping improve their health.  

I can dig it.

So when Greenfield gave us his top 10 latest methods he's been using to biohack his performance, my ears perked up.  One of the items included on the list was hot-cold therapy.  This can be done in cold chambers and saunas if you have access to them like he does, but it works just as well in a shower that can change temperatures quickly.  Greenfield claimed this was the way he beats his jet lag every time he travels... which is a lot of the time.

That same weekend, I also finally got to meet Sarah and the other lovely people of Vital Proteins.  While chatting it up with them, I asked if they thought any of their products would potentially help with jet lag.  Sarah immediately handed me a bottle of their Beef Liver Capsules.  I didn't know it at the time, but the B-vitamins in beef liver are actually great at easing digestive issues, like...

Travel constipation (1).  I know, TMI, but I always have to deal with this.  It's apparently not uncommon, either (2).

From personal experience, I know the way I feel is also hugely influenced by how well I treat my gut.  If I'm not eating pre- and probiotics regularly, I feel it.  And as it turns out, I'm not wrong in drawing the connection between that and feeling less-than-stellar while traveling.  Sitting for long periods of time can apparently cause clogging in the large intestine, where most of your gut bacteria lives.  A normal amount of daily activity moves you around enough to prevent it, but you can't exactly get in 10,000 steps on a 10-hour flight (3).  So I decided to pack the Primal Probiotics that I won a while back from Primal Blueprint Publishing, since I wasn't sure what the situation with those would be like in Italy.  

And lastly, my dad is a seasoned overseas traveler.  Upon his advice, I was to try and sleep as much as possible on the way to Europe, and try to keep myself awake for the even-longer trek back to the states, when the time came.  So with my knowledge from Greenfield, a bottle of beef liver, a container of Primal Probiotics, and Woj's best words, I set foot on my first 20-hour journey across the big pond.

Sleeping on the plane over was easy enough with the free wine offered on the ride.  Sorry not sorry about that.  It was still strange stepping off in Munich to see that it was somehow morning again, but I can get on board with a time warp here and there.  Once I made it to Florence, I made sure that the first few things I unpacked were the beef liver capsules and probiotics.  I took a serving of each and was #blessed to avoid the travel constipation that evening.  

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retrieved from delta monitor shower faucet (5)

I didn't shower until the next morning, because my luggage had been lost on the flight over so I didn't have a change of clothes.  Luckily, my rockstar roommate (s/o to you, Hannah!) let me borrow the essentials to wash the world off my body.  I tried the hot/cold therapy tips recommended by Greenfield: 30 seconds of cold water, 10 of hot.  Switch back and forth like this for several minutes and your nervous system will be hopping so much, your body clock suddenly decides you're fully awake.  And it worked just as promised!  I faced a day full of the labyrinth that is Florence without much of an issue.  That morning and the following few began this way, plus a serving of beef liver right after the shower.  The probiotic capsules helped me out each night, as I took one right before bed until finding some yogurt I trusted enough to ease me off those capsules.

On my return trip, I knew things would be trickier.  Staying awake for 24 hours is never a good idea when you're me.  Mama needs her 8 hours.  I'm basically the worst college student ever.

However, I took a dose each of the beef liver and probiotics again before bidding "ciao!" to my home for the summer, and managed to stay awake with lots of coffee help until I made it back to Austin.  I passed out for the night, and made myself take another hot/cold shower the next morning.  I was tired that next day from the travel, and I let myself be lazy but avoided napping.  I managed to make it through a full day back on Texas time awake and my body clock was reset by the second day after I returned home!

So, the list of things to do (which is probably the only thing you came to this article to read anyway, yes?):

  1. If you're traveling to a time zone later than yours (east on a map with the Atlantic ocean at the center), sleep on the way there and stay awake on the way home.  If you're traveling to a time zone earlier than yours (west on a map with the Atlantic ocean at the center), do the opposite.
  2. Utilize hot/cold shower therapy to wake yourself up when you want to be awake in the new time zone.
  3. Supplement with Vital Proteins Beef Liver capsules & quality probiotics, like Primal Probiotics, to avoid travel constipation.

Oh, and remember to ENJOY your trip! :)

Retrieved from hannah elizabeth (6)

Retrieved from hannah elizabeth (6)



(1) Holland, K., Carter, A.  (March 25, 2016).  5 vitamins that can relieve constipation.  Healthline.  Retrieved from

(2) Monastersky, Konstantin.  (2016).  What causes traveler's constipation?.  Gut Sense.  Retrieved from

(3) Bloudoff-Indelicato, M.  (December 28, 2015).  The science behind vacation constipation.  The Atlantic.  Retrieved from

(4) St. Pierre, B.  (n.d.)  Eliminating jeg lag: strategies to reduce, even avoid, symptoms.  Precision Nutrition.  Retrieved from

(5) n.a.  (n.d.)  Setting up your shower valve: a smart solution for your bathroom.  Delta Monitor Shower Faucet.  Retrieved from

(6) Elizabeth, H.  (June 15, 2016).  #STOP.  Facebook. 

The Magic of Ginger Detox Baths: Look at the Benefits

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Retrieved from (9)

Taking a ginger detox bath seems “in” nowadays.  According to those who have tried it, it’s therapeutic.  With a plethora of positive health effects, why shouldn’t it be? 

Picture this: 

Due to the health benefits of ginger detox baths, some people are hesitant to use fancy and costly spa treatments. 

For rejuvenation, they don’t plan trips to health centers.  Instead, all they do is stay home and take a bath.  They head to the kitchen to get ginger, grate it, and soak the pieces in lukewarm water (1).

Before taking advantage of the power of a ginger detox bath, however, you should learn what you are getting into.  By doing so, you will know about the detox bath experience, the health benefits, and possible side effects. 

In this article, I aim to help you learn all you need to know about ginger detox baths. 

Let’s get started!

What’s a Ginger Bath?

Retrieved from oh whimsical me (10)

Retrieved from oh whimsical me (10)

To begin our description of ginger baths, let’s start with a real life anecdote about James:

James, a sales executive, suffered with chronic viral infections, flu symptoms, and crankiness.  According to James, within just a few minutes of soaking into a bathtub filled with hot water and grated ginger, he felt the effects. 

Particularly, he felt sweaty; in fact, he was concerned that he was sweating excessively, a condition medically referred to as hyperhidrosis. 

That night, when he went to bed, James’ body did a complete 360.  Upon waking up the next day, he felt wonderful.  He felt cleansed and energetic, and it was because of the ginger bath!

For many centuries, people were aware of the amazing therapeutic effects of ginger (2); however, it wasn’t until the early 21st century that ginger detox baths became popular in mainstream media.

Here’s why:

The Good Side: Positive Benefits of Ginger Detox Baths

Retrieved from Aromahq (11)

Retrieved from Aromahq (11)

Since ginger is a vasodilator, a ginger bath produces a thermogenic effect (i.e. causes a slight increase in temperature) on your body.  It eliminates toxins that may prevent any blood flow disruption. 

Therefore, by bathing regularly in ginger, you can expect a significant improvement in blood circulation. 

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retrieved fmor new health advisor (12)

With a plethora of benefits, dipping in a bathtub with ginger is a great idea for improving your overall health.  Its therapeutic effects are similar to those of sauna bathing. 

Rather than spend money in spas, this natural solution is a great, economical alternative that you can do in the comfort of your home (3).

The benefits of ginger baths:

  • Aids with digestion
  • Facilitates weight loss
  • Alleviates menstrual cramps
  • Boosts energy
  • Helps you burn calories (4)
  • Benefits you with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves your metabolism
  • Increases your alertness
  • Freshens your breath
  • Neutralizes acidity in your body (5)
  • Promotes the production of bile, which helps with your body’s absorption of fat-soluble substances such as vitamins A, D, E, and K
  • Facilitates your body’s production of gastric fluids
  • Relieves headaches
  • Alleviates pain due to rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Treats diarrhea
  • Relieves anxiety, exhaustion, and nervousness
  • Improves flu and cold symptoms
  • Helps with respiratory complications
  • Alleviates sea and motion sickness

Another huge advantage of the detox bath is its convenience.  It takes little effort to prepare a bath of lukewarm water and grated ginger.  Half an hour is usually more than enough to get the health benefits. 

Furthermore, if you live a sedentary lifestyle or you’re a workaholic, a weekly ginger bath is a great option to detoxify your body.

Although ginger baths provide wide ranging health benefits, it would be quite irresponsible of me to not detail any of the side effects and concerns commonly reported with the baths.

All is not Golden: Side Effects of Ginger Baths that you Should be Aware of

retrieved from ayshakti (13)

retrieved from ayshakti (13)

As with any holistic treatment, there is no guarantee that two people will get the same result by taking ginger baths.  While it comes with advantages, sweating excessively due to a ginger bath can have small, unintended side effects. 

Common Side Effects of Ginger Baths

  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia 
  • Muscle soreness
  • Restlessness 
  • Skin irritation
retrieved from singh vaid (14)

retrieved from singh vaid (14)

Start Slow with Ginger Baths, and Use Moderation

To reduce the risk of the side effects above, observe moderation when bathing with ginger.  Bathing should be done at most once, or if your body is not as sensitive to ginger, twice, weekly (6). 

You should also avoid staying in the bathtub for more than 30 minutes.  Remember, the goal is simply to detoxify.  Your goal is to rid your body of toxins and other harmful, unnecessary substances. 

The Extreme Case: Ginger Baths are not a Good Solution for Everyone

If your body or skin doesn’t react well to ginger, a ginger bath should be skipped.  This is just like any other food sensitivity that you may have: don't ingest or soak it in if you know it's got ill effects on you.  Though the likelihood of adverse effects is small, they’re possible.  

Key Takeway: Enjoy ginger detox baths, but keep the side effects in mind.

Now, that you know more about ginger baths, I’m not going to leave you hanging.  Check out this great ginger bath recipe:

The Ultimate Ginger Bath Recipe

Retrieved from detox diva (15) 

Retrieved from detox diva (15) 

A popular ginger bath recipe is the ginger baking soda detox bath.  Simply prepare (7):

  • 8 gallons of lukewarm water
  • A cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of grated ginger – ginger powder is okay, too. 

Next, follow these easy steps:

  • Add the baking soda and grated ginger to the lukewarm water.
  • Stir slowly. Wait for about 10 minutes to maximize the effects of the mixture.
  • Soak in the bath for up to 30 minutes.

Are you an overachiever? Check out this extra tip to take your ginger bath to the next level:

For a more beneficial ginger baking soda detox bath, you can also add another natural ingredient: hydrated magnesium sulfate, or better known as Epsom salt (8).  According to studies, the detox bath becomes more powerful with Epsom salt. 

Retrieved from freshly grown (16)

Retrieved from freshly grown (16)

Apart from the amazing benefits of ginger, Epsom salt promotes brain tissue formation and stimulates the pancreas.

So, Should You Take a Dip in a Ginger Bath? 

Retrieved from just simply health (17)

Retrieved from just simply health (17)

Given all of its positive aspects, a ginger detox bath is worth taking.  Accumulating toxins due to everyday conditions is inevitable.  Though you can’t prevent the entry of harmful substances into your body, you can always detoxify.

The final verdict: Take ginger baths and watch your body transform into the health machine it should be!

About the author

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retrieved from

Leonard Parker is a health blogger and owner of the eCommerce store, Rebounder Zone.  Through Rebounder Zone, Leonard’s team specializes in rebounder trampolines, health equipment, and useful health information for mature adults.

Leonard is a graduate of Stanford University and has worked in various roles as a digital marketing specialist and technology consultant.  Rebounder Zone was started because  Leonard saw first hand how health living with regular exercise can change lives, and he wants to help others experience this incredible feeling, too.  For any questions about rebounding or information mentioned in this article, please contact Leonard at



(1) Venkateshwaran, R. (2015, Mar 11). "Top 3 Benefits of Ginger Detox Bath + Recipe". Wild Turmeric.  Retrieved from

(2) Khalil, R., Baker, L. (n.d.). "Ginger Bath: Sweat Those Toxins out". Pure Inside Out. Retrieved from

(3) Hausner, T. (n.d.). "5 Easy DIY Detox Bath Recipes". Blender Babes. Retrieved from

(4) n.a.  (n.d.). "10 Detox Bath Recipes". Bembu.  Retrieved from

(5) n.a. (2013).  "Release Body Toxins with this [AWESOME] DIY Detox Bath". Alliele Fever.  Retrieved from

(6) Romero, V. (2012, Jan. 18). "Detox Bath Why and How". Healthy Living How To. Retrieved from

(7) Gerber, S. (2015, Oct. 8). "5 Healing Detox Bath Recipes".  HellowGlow.  Retrieved from

(8) Breyer, M. (n.d.). "Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths". Care 2. Retrieved from

(9) Natalie, H.  (March 21, 2014).  "3 detox baths that came from your kitchen".  Cool Healthy Recipes.  Retrieved from 

(10)  Emorie.  (2014),  "Lemon ginger fancy bath".  Oh Whimsical Me.  Retrieved from

(11) n.a. n.d.  "Ginger essential oil".  AromaHQ.  Retrieved from

(12) n.a. (July 26, 2016).  "Low red blood cell count".  New Health Advisor.  Retrieved from

(13) Ayushaktiyurveda.  (Februrary 12, 2016).  "Detoxification: the authentic ancient ayurveda treatment program to boost our metabolism and digestion."  Ayushakti.  Retrieved from

(14) n.a.  (n.d.).  "Itching."  Singh Vaid.  Retrieved from

(15) Rizk, J.  (December 5, 2014).  "Say bye bye to alligator legs with a DIY lemon ginger scrub".  Detox Diva.  Retrieved from

(16) Rama.  (n.d.).  "DIY lavender bath & foot soak". Freshly Grown.  Retreived from

(17) Serena.  (n.d.).  "Ginger detox bath".  Just Simply Health.  Retrieved from


Does Food Quality Matter?

Food quality is a hot topic right now.

Retrieved from Pranzo UK (6)

Retrieved from Pranzo UK (6)

Well, well, well.  We meet this subject again.  

If you've been following my Instagram, Facebook, or this website for any length of time now then you're already acquainted with my strong bias in support of producing food at only the highest sustainable quality.  

However, I will do my best to push that aside and do an objective report on how the food in Italy has affected my body over the past 7 weeks.  

This is usually referred to as an "n=1 study," since I am only testing it on myself.  

These are usually super effective for people trying to figure things out for themselves and their health, because I am in my body and only I am in tune with that enough to feel what it feels and see how it is being affected: by clothes fitting a certain way or how heavily I'm breathing after certain activities.  

So that being established, this is going to be a compilation of how I've felt with this drastic diet change while in Florence for the summer.  

What is different in Italy?

The diet change I'm referring to is this: at home, I eat primal (no legumes, only rice sometimes if grains are consumed, no processed sugar, moderate dairy, LOTS of veggies, high protein, a little bit of fruit, lots of healthy fats).  

Here, I've pretty much only stayed away from gluten and soy because they really bother me.  

Pizza and pasta and gelato and milk chocolate that exists without soy lechitin as an emulsifier here have been very present in my body.  

I will place here that there are also other variables.  

One is that I've walked at least 5 miles a day, usually more.  

My workout routine went from lifting 5-6 days a week plus at least 4 cardio sessions on top of that to 3-5 HIIT & body weight workout sessions per week, not lasting longer than 45 minutes.  

So, I will do my best to explain what happened as a result of that.  But first, I think a little Italian food history is in order.  

Italian food quality

In the Italian cooking class I took the first week I was here, the chef got on his soapbox for a few minutes.  

He talked about how when the US really started pumping GMOs and hormones into their food, Italy went the opposite route.  

He explained the laws here are really in favor of organic produce, grass-fed and free-range meats, and full-fat foods without the sugar added to reduce it.  

I decided to do a little poking around on the interwebs and found some cool stuff in these regards. 

For instance, Italy not only rejected the idea of GMOs when they first became popular in the US, they still stringently fight against them.  

As recently as 2015, the country opted to reject 8 strands of GMOs that the EU was promoting for its countries (1).  

In 1993, the year before the first GMOs hit grocery stores in the US (2), Italy was not super focused on organic farming, either.  

They were pretty exclusive to small northern markets near the farms that produced them.  

However, as the "organic" title began implying the meaning that a product was also "non-GMO," it seems that my chef was right about Italians' push back against GMOs.  

Production of organic produce increased 200% between 1997-1999, with production still increasing yearly, though not necessarily at that high a rate each year (3). 

But don't they love their sugar?

After hearing the chef & reading those things about Italy's unique perspective on food production, I was more confused about this place than ever.  

If you've ever been to Italy, you know they love their sugar.  

Gelato or a granite (basically a slush) for breakfast is the thing to do in Sicily, and up north it's not much better with sugared tarts or croissants paired with your sugared-down cappuccino first thing in the morning.  

Pizza or a bread-heavy sandwich for lunch.  

Gelato as a cool afternoon snack, followed by a 3-course dinner of pasta, meat & veggies, and dessert.  Oh, and always wine.  

The realization that the people are very concerned about food quality & sourcing here was interesting to me.  

I've crusaded against processed sugar for the past 2 years and haven't consumed any other than the tiny bit in dark chocolate back home.  

So the fact that the sugar capital of the world cares about quality means maybe our idea of "quality" is skewed.

I was even more interested to see if the fact that even though there is a lot of white cane sugar in Italian food, high fructose corn syrup is rarely used.  

In fact, the population in Italy consumes less than 1 pound of it per person per year (4).  Compare that to the 35 pounds per year the average American takes in (5)! 

Okay, enough of the research.  

What did my time here teach me?

Retrieved from Gelato Giuliana(7)

The first week, I was in full "vacation mode."  Eating out for almost every meal, gelato at least once a day, and skipping breakfast.  

I didn't work out because at that point I was allowing a week off since my training was vigorous for a solid 4 months leading up to coming here.  

Plus, I wasn't sure if I was going to join the local gym or not and wanted to check it out before "settling" for using the staircase in the hallway to our apartment.  It's 98 steps, by the way.

The second week, I could feel it.  

My normally-low-carb body was in full revolt with bloating and breakouts galore.  

The reintroduction of excessive white sugar was definitely the culprit, in my opinion.  

Because of these crappy feelings, I began inventing HIIT workouts on the stairs and turning it into my little gym.  

I went to the local market and got fresh, preservative-free cheeses & meats and lots of produce.  

Another great thing on the produce: Italians are snobs about eating in-season.  

So a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of peaches was €2 since they're a summer fruit, whereas apples were closer to €5 per kilogram.  

Still way cheaper than America for ANYTHING organic, in-season or not.  But it's cool to see that most farmers refuse to even sell things that aren't in-season.

Cooking the freshest in-season produce

Cooking for myself definitely helped.  

I made sure to remember probiotics and prebiotics daily, only discoverable here in the form of full-fat yogurt and the tub of Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides I brought along with me (thanks, Sarah!).  

I still ate out plenty of times, mind you.  

Lots of GF pizza.  And gelato was still a very regular occurrence. 

But here's the interesting part: those HIIT sessions invigorated me.  Walking everywhere rarely felt like a chore.  I began loving the constant movement.  

I ate until I was full, and then some.  

If I was exhausted from visiting 2 museums and rehearsing Shakespeare and writing too much all in one day, I let myself not worry about missing a workout.  

This resulted in the 3-5 times a week exercise schedule.  

Sure, I lost some muscle since I wasn't lifting weights like back home.  

But my core is much stronger now from the functional nature of the workouts I've been doing.  My acne went away and the bloating reduced.  

My clothes still fit, so I haven't gained that much weight, if any.  

I'm actually scared the number went down because of muscle loss... I was very hypertrophic from over-training when I got here.  

My abs are hiding a little more than my first week, but honestly not as much as I'd expected.  

And you know what?  

My mental state is better than ever.  

I love the routine I've got at home: I kick ass on a primal diet there.  But I needed this break more than I knew.  

Italy taught me how to enjoy dessert again without guilt.  

Final thoughts

But I strongly feel that the simplicity, care, and quality put into food production in this country made all the difference between how I do feel and how crappy I would be feeling if I ate like this regularly at home.  

I've eaten like this before in the States.  

It's called the no-diet plan.  

Or if you're on one, IIFYM.  

And I was always depleted, constantly had cravings, and got irritable very easily.  My brain got foggy.  

Maybe because I was eating pounds of HFCS without meaning to.  Maybe because I wasn't exercising for stimulation and health.  

But whatever it was, I've never felt this good on a lifestyle considered so "unhealthy" back home.  

Here, I've filled a journal and written more than 30 letters just on this trip.  

Again, I credit the food quality and lack of hormones, GMOs, and preservatives.  

I'm luckily very in tune with my body and am a hippie snob with chemicals as a result.  

But you can take from my n=1 experience what you will. :)


(1) Tropia, C.  (September 28, 2015).  "No a 8 produtti ogm, l'Italia contro l'Ue."  il Salvagente Test.  Retrieved from

(2) Shireen.  (March 10, 2013).  "GMO timeline: a history of genetically-modified foods." GMO Inside Blog.  Retrieved from

(3) n.a. n.d. "Italy."  FAO Corporate Document Repository.  Retrieved from

(4) n.a. (December 4, 2012).  "Countries with the greatest use of high-fructose corn syrup also have more diabetes."  Yahoo! News.  Retrieved from

(5) Gucciardi, A.  (June 2, 2012).  "Americans eat 35 lbs of 'stupidity' linked high fructose corn syrup on average."  Natural Society.  Retrieved from

(6) n.a. n.d. "home."  Pranzo Fresh Italian Food to go.  Retrieved from

(7) n.a. (2016).  "Our passion."  Gelato Giuliana.  Retrieved from