My JORD Wood Watch - a Summer Style Favorite!

Am I becoming a fashion blogger now?  I don't know.  With a company like the one you're about to meet on here, which combines the beauty of nature with functionality, I could be convinced.  Maybe with this post will push me in that direction!  It's my site.  I can do what I want.  ;)

But back to the thing we're all here for: JORD is a company that produces wood watches that are truly unique.  Offering both a men's shop and a women's shop, JORD uses 13 different wood types (alone and in combination, depending on the design) to create timeless time keepers.  They even fully expose the  availability and sustainability of each of the materials they use.  This transparency with their customers is a huge bonus, in my opinion.  Their site elaborates on each type of wood used, explaining the grain and weight as well as the sustainability rating according to two different environmental associations.  

While most types of wood used by JORD are considered sustainable by both metrics, some types of wood (such as the zebrawood used to make my watch) is noted when there is a conflict in the ratings.  In the case of zebrawood, the CITES Appendices do not list it as an issue but the IUCN Red List notes that it is vulnerable in its natural habitat.   While it may not be ideal to use much longer because of its precarious environment shrinkage, I really appreciate that JORD is honest with the status of this specific wood.  It allows for ethical purchasing.

The company strives to promote their own creativity, drive, and desire to make their time count through the watches they produce.  Though there are several series of watch designs to choose from, the nature of wood means that each timepiece will still turn out different from all the others.  It's kind of like people - we may have similar interests, jobs, hobbies, lives.  But each of us is still "cut from our part of the cloth."  And that's what JORD wants to represent. 

Reece Series

Let's talk about the watch I went with.  The Reece Series Zebrawood & Emerald combined several of my favorite things, making it catch my eye right away:

  • The watch face is my favorite color of all-time, a deep teal
  • The texture of zebrawood ensures that each watch is truly unique, with telltale lines more visible than other woods running through the grain to identify that it is truly authentic
  • A clever thread of maple running through the band to help the zebrawood patterns stand out even more
  • A square face that veers from the traditional circular shape without getting "too crazy"
  • A combination of modernity, elegance, and fun that seems to sum me up pretty well!  (Though I don't know how elegant I am most of the time...)

When I first received my watch, I truly didn't know what to expect as far as wearing it goes.  I wasn't a watch-wearer until recently, and it's usually a fitness tracker/stopwatch to use while I'm working.  But going out in a sporty watch while wearing a sundress just doesn't seem like I know what I'm doing, ya know?


Yeah,  This watch is definitely upping the class in my life.

An extra piece of specialty that JORD adds to each of their watches is the packaging they come in.  I don't think I've ever seen such class and care go into the simple way a product is carried, and it seemed like a piece of art just to witness the box each watch comes in.  This is just another example of how well JORD takes care to exemplify art and class in everything they do.  It's a point proven about the company's values.

That's absolutely the definition of elegance.

Well... now that I've shown off my own watch enough, how about your own chance at getting a killer discount for your own?  Click here to enter a giveaway for $100 on the JORD store.  Everyone who enters will automatically receive a unique code for $25 JORD store credit, so even if you don't get the grand prize you'll still be snagging a deal!  Your unique style can only be highlighted by these unique timepieces.  Go ahead and enter that giveaway to support this awesome and beautiful company.  

The Magic of Ginger Detox Baths: Look at the Benefits

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Taking a ginger detox bath seems “in” nowadays.  According to those who have tried it, it’s therapeutic.  With a plethora of positive health effects, why shouldn’t it be? 

Picture this: 

Due to the health benefits of ginger detox baths, some people are hesitant to use fancy and costly spa treatments. 

For rejuvenation, they don’t plan trips to health centers.  Instead, all they do is stay home and take a bath.  They head to the kitchen to get ginger, grate it, and soak the pieces in lukewarm water (1).

Before taking advantage of the power of a ginger detox bath, however, you should learn what you are getting into.  By doing so, you will know about the detox bath experience, the health benefits, and possible side effects. 

In this article, I aim to help you learn all you need to know about ginger detox baths. 

Let’s get started!

What’s a Ginger Bath?

Retrieved from oh whimsical me (10)

Retrieved from oh whimsical me (10)

To begin our description of ginger baths, let’s start with a real life anecdote about James:

James, a sales executive, suffered with chronic viral infections, flu symptoms, and crankiness.  According to James, within just a few minutes of soaking into a bathtub filled with hot water and grated ginger, he felt the effects. 

Particularly, he felt sweaty; in fact, he was concerned that he was sweating excessively, a condition medically referred to as hyperhidrosis. 

That night, when he went to bed, James’ body did a complete 360.  Upon waking up the next day, he felt wonderful.  He felt cleansed and energetic, and it was because of the ginger bath!

For many centuries, people were aware of the amazing therapeutic effects of ginger (2); however, it wasn’t until the early 21st century that ginger detox baths became popular in mainstream media.

Here’s why:

The Good Side: Positive Benefits of Ginger Detox Baths

Retrieved from Aromahq (11)

Retrieved from Aromahq (11)

Since ginger is a vasodilator, a ginger bath produces a thermogenic effect (i.e. causes a slight increase in temperature) on your body.  It eliminates toxins that may prevent any blood flow disruption. 

Therefore, by bathing regularly in ginger, you can expect a significant improvement in blood circulation. 

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retrieved fmor new health advisor (12)

With a plethora of benefits, dipping in a bathtub with ginger is a great idea for improving your overall health.  Its therapeutic effects are similar to those of sauna bathing. 

Rather than spend money in spas, this natural solution is a great, economical alternative that you can do in the comfort of your home (3).

The benefits of ginger baths:

  • Aids with digestion
  • Facilitates weight loss
  • Alleviates menstrual cramps
  • Boosts energy
  • Helps you burn calories (4)
  • Benefits you with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves your metabolism
  • Increases your alertness
  • Freshens your breath
  • Neutralizes acidity in your body (5)
  • Promotes the production of bile, which helps with your body’s absorption of fat-soluble substances such as vitamins A, D, E, and K
  • Facilitates your body’s production of gastric fluids
  • Relieves headaches
  • Alleviates pain due to rheumatoid arthritis 
  • Stabilizes blood pressure
  • Treats diarrhea
  • Relieves anxiety, exhaustion, and nervousness
  • Improves flu and cold symptoms
  • Helps with respiratory complications
  • Alleviates sea and motion sickness

Another huge advantage of the detox bath is its convenience.  It takes little effort to prepare a bath of lukewarm water and grated ginger.  Half an hour is usually more than enough to get the health benefits. 

Furthermore, if you live a sedentary lifestyle or you’re a workaholic, a weekly ginger bath is a great option to detoxify your body.

Although ginger baths provide wide ranging health benefits, it would be quite irresponsible of me to not detail any of the side effects and concerns commonly reported with the baths.

All is not Golden: Side Effects of Ginger Baths that you Should be Aware of

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retrieved from ayshakti (13)

As with any holistic treatment, there is no guarantee that two people will get the same result by taking ginger baths.  While it comes with advantages, sweating excessively due to a ginger bath can have small, unintended side effects. 

Common Side Effects of Ginger Baths

  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia 
  • Muscle soreness
  • Restlessness 
  • Skin irritation
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retrieved from singh vaid (14)

Start Slow with Ginger Baths, and Use Moderation

To reduce the risk of the side effects above, observe moderation when bathing with ginger.  Bathing should be done at most once, or if your body is not as sensitive to ginger, twice, weekly (6). 

You should also avoid staying in the bathtub for more than 30 minutes.  Remember, the goal is simply to detoxify.  Your goal is to rid your body of toxins and other harmful, unnecessary substances. 

The Extreme Case: Ginger Baths are not a Good Solution for Everyone

If your body or skin doesn’t react well to ginger, a ginger bath should be skipped.  This is just like any other food sensitivity that you may have: don't ingest or soak it in if you know it's got ill effects on you.  Though the likelihood of adverse effects is small, they’re possible.  

Key Takeway: Enjoy ginger detox baths, but keep the side effects in mind.

Now, that you know more about ginger baths, I’m not going to leave you hanging.  Check out this great ginger bath recipe:

The Ultimate Ginger Bath Recipe

Retrieved from detox diva (15) 

Retrieved from detox diva (15) 

A popular ginger bath recipe is the ginger baking soda detox bath.  Simply prepare (7):

  • 8 gallons of lukewarm water
  • A cup of baking soda
  • ½ cup of grated ginger – ginger powder is okay, too. 

Next, follow these easy steps:

  • Add the baking soda and grated ginger to the lukewarm water.
  • Stir slowly. Wait for about 10 minutes to maximize the effects of the mixture.
  • Soak in the bath for up to 30 minutes.

Are you an overachiever? Check out this extra tip to take your ginger bath to the next level:

For a more beneficial ginger baking soda detox bath, you can also add another natural ingredient: hydrated magnesium sulfate, or better known as Epsom salt (8).  According to studies, the detox bath becomes more powerful with Epsom salt. 

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Retrieved from freshly grown (16)

Apart from the amazing benefits of ginger, Epsom salt promotes brain tissue formation and stimulates the pancreas.

So, Should You Take a Dip in a Ginger Bath? 

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Retrieved from just simply health (17)

Given all of its positive aspects, a ginger detox bath is worth taking.  Accumulating toxins due to everyday conditions is inevitable.  Though you can’t prevent the entry of harmful substances into your body, you can always detoxify.

The final verdict: Take ginger baths and watch your body transform into the health machine it should be!

About the author

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Leonard Parker is a health blogger and owner of the eCommerce store, Rebounder Zone.  Through Rebounder Zone, Leonard’s team specializes in rebounder trampolines, health equipment, and useful health information for mature adults.

Leonard is a graduate of Stanford University and has worked in various roles as a digital marketing specialist and technology consultant.  Rebounder Zone was started because  Leonard saw first hand how health living with regular exercise can change lives, and he wants to help others experience this incredible feeling, too.  For any questions about rebounding or information mentioned in this article, please contact Leonard at



(1) Venkateshwaran, R. (2015, Mar 11). "Top 3 Benefits of Ginger Detox Bath + Recipe". Wild Turmeric.  Retrieved from

(2) Khalil, R., Baker, L. (n.d.). "Ginger Bath: Sweat Those Toxins out". Pure Inside Out. Retrieved from

(3) Hausner, T. (n.d.). "5 Easy DIY Detox Bath Recipes". Blender Babes. Retrieved from

(4) n.a.  (n.d.). "10 Detox Bath Recipes". Bembu.  Retrieved from

(5) n.a. (2013).  "Release Body Toxins with this [AWESOME] DIY Detox Bath". Alliele Fever.  Retrieved from

(6) Romero, V. (2012, Jan. 18). "Detox Bath Why and How". Healthy Living How To. Retrieved from

(7) Gerber, S. (2015, Oct. 8). "5 Healing Detox Bath Recipes".  HellowGlow.  Retrieved from

(8) Breyer, M. (n.d.). "Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths". Care 2. Retrieved from

(9) Natalie, H.  (March 21, 2014).  "3 detox baths that came from your kitchen".  Cool Healthy Recipes.  Retrieved from 

(10)  Emorie.  (2014),  "Lemon ginger fancy bath".  Oh Whimsical Me.  Retrieved from

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(13) Ayushaktiyurveda.  (Februrary 12, 2016).  "Detoxification: the authentic ancient ayurveda treatment program to boost our metabolism and digestion."  Ayushakti.  Retrieved from

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(16) Rama.  (n.d.).  "DIY lavender bath & foot soak". Freshly Grown.  Retreived from

(17) Serena.  (n.d.).  "Ginger detox bath".  Just Simply Health.  Retrieved from