My JORD Wood Watch - a Summer Style Favorite!

Am I becoming a fashion blogger now?  I don't know.  With a company like the one you're about to meet on here, which combines the beauty of nature with functionality, I could be convinced.  Maybe with this post will push me in that direction!  It's my site.  I can do what I want.  ;)

But back to the thing we're all here for: JORD is a company that produces wood watches that are truly unique.  Offering both a men's shop and a women's shop, JORD uses 13 different wood types (alone and in combination, depending on the design) to create timeless time keepers.  They even fully expose the  availability and sustainability of each of the materials they use.  This transparency with their customers is a huge bonus, in my opinion.  Their site elaborates on each type of wood used, explaining the grain and weight as well as the sustainability rating according to two different environmental associations.  

While most types of wood used by JORD are considered sustainable by both metrics, some types of wood (such as the zebrawood used to make my watch) is noted when there is a conflict in the ratings.  In the case of zebrawood, the CITES Appendices do not list it as an issue but the IUCN Red List notes that it is vulnerable in its natural habitat.   While it may not be ideal to use much longer because of its precarious environment shrinkage, I really appreciate that JORD is honest with the status of this specific wood.  It allows for ethical purchasing.

The company strives to promote their own creativity, drive, and desire to make their time count through the watches they produce.  Though there are several series of watch designs to choose from, the nature of wood means that each timepiece will still turn out different from all the others.  It's kind of like people - we may have similar interests, jobs, hobbies, lives.  But each of us is still "cut from our part of the cloth."  And that's what JORD wants to represent. 

Reece Series

Let's talk about the watch I went with.  The Reece Series Zebrawood & Emerald combined several of my favorite things, making it catch my eye right away:

  • The watch face is my favorite color of all-time, a deep teal
  • The texture of zebrawood ensures that each watch is truly unique, with telltale lines more visible than other woods running through the grain to identify that it is truly authentic
  • A clever thread of maple running through the band to help the zebrawood patterns stand out even more
  • A square face that veers from the traditional circular shape without getting "too crazy"
  • A combination of modernity, elegance, and fun that seems to sum me up pretty well!  (Though I don't know how elegant I am most of the time...)

When I first received my watch, I truly didn't know what to expect as far as wearing it goes.  I wasn't a watch-wearer until recently, and it's usually a fitness tracker/stopwatch to use while I'm working.  But going out in a sporty watch while wearing a sundress just doesn't seem like I know what I'm doing, ya know?


Yeah,  This watch is definitely upping the class in my life.

An extra piece of specialty that JORD adds to each of their watches is the packaging they come in.  I don't think I've ever seen such class and care go into the simple way a product is carried, and it seemed like a piece of art just to witness the box each watch comes in.  This is just another example of how well JORD takes care to exemplify art and class in everything they do.  It's a point proven about the company's values.

That's absolutely the definition of elegance.

Well... now that I've shown off my own watch enough, how about your own chance at getting a killer discount for your own?  Click here to enter a giveaway for $100 on the JORD store.  Everyone who enters will automatically receive a unique code for $25 JORD store credit, so even if you don't get the grand prize you'll still be snagging a deal!  Your unique style can only be highlighted by these unique timepieces.  Go ahead and enter that giveaway to support this awesome and beautiful company.  

Top Fitness Trends of 2017

By: Erin Vaage

At the start of a new year, everyone decides what trends from the previous year should stay, what trends need to die a quick death and what new trends everyone should get excited about.

But fashion and beauty trends aren’t the only trending topics you should be following. A new year really can mean the start to a new and improved you; a time to set health goals you’ll actually achieve.

How? Because this year, you’re jumping on the shiny, trendy fitness bandwagon. And 2017’s top fitness trends have workouts and classes that fit with your schedule and your fitness goals.

They’re fun, effective, and guaranteed to get you excited to exercise and maintain motivation throughout the year to shed those 15 pounds or get those killer Chris Evans-like abs that the ladies love.

The Top Fitness Trends of 2017

Mixed Format & Live-Stream Workout Classes



Class is now in session. And no, I don’t mean boring, monotone-speaking science classes. 2017 is going to make you actually enjoy going to class with mixed format gym classes or attending class in your living room with live-stream exercise classes.

Also called hybrid classes, these group gym workouts are anything but boring. For 45-60 minutes, they mix multiple workout styles into one, so you’re not just sitting on a bike for an hour. Instead, you’re doing combinations of cardio and strength training, which is even more effective at helping you shed off your winter weight and getting you bikini-bod ready. Find out who’s offering Piloxing or a combo spin and yoga class that you can try out.

If you’re not a gym rat, or your working-parent schedule doesn’t allow you to be, join a live-stream workout class. I know, those old Jane Fonda and Denise Austin workout VHS tapes were cheesy and not enough motivation to keep you burning calories five days a week. But I bet streaming an intense Jillian Michaels workout or bringing the ballet barre into your home will do the trick. More brands and studios will start jumping on this trend later in the year, so keep your eye out for live-stream classes that work best for you.


Watch a video on rebounding

Some of my best memories as a kid were jumping on a trampoline during the summer. Why do we have to stop doing all the things that brought us joy as kids? We don’t have to. And to start feeling young again, you can get yourself a mini trampoline. It doesn’t just make you feel like a kid again, it also makes exercising enjoyable.

Rebounding is one workout that does it all. Seriously, spending just 10-15 minutes a day jumping and doing various exercises on a rebounder can help you lose weight, improve your balance and coordination, strengthen your muscles, increase your metabolism, and even reduce headaches and help you sleep better at night.

And since it’s small and portable, you can keep your rebounder in your room or even at work and spend 10 minutes of your lunch hour rebounding.

Body Weight Training

This fitness trend requires minimal equipment; in fact, for most body weight training exercises you just need your body. From pushups to pull-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and more, if you’ve got yourself and enough space to do those things, you can get in an effective, lean-muscle-mass building workout. And you can modify your workouts based on your current training level.

Not having the money to buy a gym membership, get a personal trainer, or fill your home office with bulky workout equipment can’t be your excuse anymore. Anyone can do body weight training.

Intuitive Training

Several years back, intuitive eating was the latest health trend people were getting excited about. Its focus was on trusting your body and yourself. And this year, intuitive training is making its mark on the heath and fitness world.

Like intuitive eating, it involves listening to your body and choosing your workouts based on how your body is feeling on a day-to-day basis. Nothing against people’s set workout programs, but sometimes their routines have a one-size-fits-all mentality. Except, we’re not all the same, and our bodies definitely aren’t the same.

We’re individuals. We each have individual health needs that need to be met. Intuitive training reminds you to daily check in with your body. If you have an intense cardio session planned for today’s workout, but you’re feeling exhausted from yesterday’s workout and this morning’s workload, it’s probably better that you swap it out for a 30-minute yoga session or something a bit lighter.

But with intuitive training, you have to be committed to maintaining a regular workout schedule. Listening to your body doesn’t mean, “Oh I’m just tired (read lazy) so I think my body just needs to skip working out today.” Be in tune with what your body needs, but don’t let yourself start regularly skipping workouts to binge-watch Game of Thrones.

About the Author

Erin graduated from Central College with a degree in Health Promotion and is a Certified Personal Trainer through NASM.  She has enjoyed training people of all abilities and ages, from 13 to 102.  When not at the gym, she likes to spend most of her time outside hiking, skiing, climbing or mountain biking in her home state of Utah.


Barre3 (2008). Barre Online Workouts and Videos. Retrieved from

Cellercise (1998). Cellercise with Dave Hall. Retrieved from

Fit Fusion (2004). Workout Anytime, Anywhere. Retrieved from:

Smith, Jim (n.d.). 5 Best Bodyweight Training Exercises. Retrieved from

Piloxing (2008). Image retrieved from:

Romaniello, John. (n.d.). How to Build a Sexy Female Body. Retrieved from

Walters, Jennipher. (2013, September 29). My Secret to a Healthy Lifestyle: Intuitive Eating. Retrieved from